Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Does The Hdmi Adapter Work To My Xbox


Hello! Ordering

papers, I found a card that gave me once when I took a course with a text goes here ...

System / 2 *

chameleons time: no one has taught both humanity as these humble creatures.

cult who is considered well hidden, is revered culture of disguise.

twice spoken language of the artists of dissimulation. Double talk, double counting, double moral: a moral to say, another moral to do.

The moral to be called realism.

law of reality is the law of power. For reality is not unrealistic, we say that rule, the moral to be immoral.

Eduardo Galeano.

From the book "The Book of Embraces."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Can U Get Shingles On The Arm


The solidarity then

Better not told me if everything is upside down ... but older / You and I, two kids in the class thirty-three. / I say what we do, over a contrapié ...

"'Pazzi" (1982) Tango de Chico Novarro

page 54 of the newspaper "Clarín" of October 15, 2010 is entitled "Argentines, fifth in the use of social networks" , I comment on that "gray hair" that ultimately spread to computer. is used in three sites: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, where users can communicate with their colleagues through written messages, share photos, music, videos. The Facebook was created in 2004 and has in our country thirteen million accounts, while Twitter generated in 2006 brings to five hundred thousand adherents among them, some public officials and to the President of the Nation itself. Facebook is the most widely used network in the world, Twitter is an ideal short message system for political debates, while LinkedIn is a social environment for business and professional relationships. A forecast the arrival of a new civilization, digitalis, which would displace what generated the book and the letters written on paper. is a latent doubts about the fate of words but, Umberto Ecco has a prophecy: "The books will survive, as the wheel and the bucket" ...

a convention for members of a network are now called "friends" once who apply and are accepted by others. Research Journal did the Argentines have found that an average of 183 friends each, are "virtual friends" rather than those of our time: "in good times and bad." This activity is driven mostly by young adults in search of an ID and this mode of relating. These social networks in general bring together people with common interests and possible reunion with family or friends not seen for a long time. has also installed a form of daily communication and informal, with a very particular spelling, which partly replaced the telephone and left to the memory of postal items. One of the most relevant data of the study states that a portion of the population still lacks access to the Internet from home, so call centers have been established and some public spaces that system. can say that this new technology like cell phones as well as its purpose to facilitate communication between people, has an attractive pastime.

But my intention is different: try investigating the existence or not of social networks in times past, when the computer has not prevailed, ie the "age of the abacus." I hasten to end the suspense: yes, and had a more humane, durable, warm, direct contact through words and gestures of solidarity. In the time it exercised the "gauchos" are unaware they are called, were established by use and custom and facilitated in its operation because it has not been installed in society the "scourge" of mistrust.

One of those basic network was the family that was strengthened by the large homes that housed generations. Without a formal regulation, the usual possible to establish primary functions of each family member. With a gesture of sacrifice and total surrender, there were relatives who resigned their personal projects effect of caring for aging relatives, sick or newborn . The presence of grandparents, uncles, brothers-in, sponsors, and other links, although some discussions, "tenement", were a model of community living. They were unaware that a strong social fabric.

In the time which was fixed in my memory, there was no significant mobility in society. One was born at home and throughout the course of life was spent in the neighborhood. So neighbors were people rooted to the land and as there were links between children of the same, the network is amplified. As the medians were low and drank cool and information taking chairs to the front door, no one worried about sending messages. were submitted only by mail or accessories messengers postcards and letters, some perfumed with amorous intentions.

The corner bar, those "soul mates" that you were to exercise a loyalty in friendship, also warned that formed a social group. The lecture given by their "teachers" also included: elementary notions about sex, the practice of solidarity, the conduct to the laws of the arcade game, the first steps in the tango, the group identified the whistle until how to place your lips to make rings with cigarette smoke ...

The social fabric of those days was consolidated with other beloved characters: the teachers, family doctors, members of the cooperative school, the corner grocer, the parish priest, the midwife who attended to our mothers , the apothecary of master recipes, dentist low speed lathe, building society, the postman, the policeman on the block ...

addition to our elders was at that time, two professions of the members of the neighborhood community that we are influenced and marked the path of good: teachers and doctors. Now I ask you remember who helped him become what they are, while I pay my gratitude to Dr. Carlos J. Carnelli, my family physician whose office was in the street Maure 3859 and the Master of Sixth Grade School for Boys, today, "Dr. Luis Agote "street Jorge Newbery 3664: Mr. Alberto Valerga, Rosetti street neighbor at 400 ...

Is Olive Oil A Vegestable Shortening

David Viñas and Ernesto Sabato , divers truths

by Omi Fernandez

By honoring Maria Elena Walsh from this column, we did not imagine they would suffer the loss of two talented and popular writers in the same year. Two different personalities together, but who joined the same commitment to the letters.

DAVID VINES died on March 10, 2011, at age 83, all who passed by the café La Paz, we saw it with your cup of coffee and cigarette, affable to those who approach him. Claw was a writer, his writings are born of a beloved fury, built in the pain of losing two children during the military dictatorship, and also the violence that generated the social lies and hypocrisy.

Long before personal tragedy, was president of the FUBA, first steps of a militant of the left, which was maintained throughout his life. Created, with his brother Ismael, the magazine CONTOUR, a merger between his political activism and his love of letters, which helped Juan Jose Sebreli and Noah Jitric, among others.

At age 30, published An Everyday God , a novella about the conflict of a priest, a great religious book written by an agnostic. followed The men of the earth, Dar face, In the tragic week, horsemen , and many more. In all his political commitment is present, their fight visceral contra la injusticia, el abuso de las clases gobernantes, la oligarquía abulonada al sillón del poder.

Como ensayista analizó y desmenuzó la literatura argentina desde Sarmiento a Cortázar, considerando la relación literatura y sociedad.

Escribió ensayos sobre los indios, los montoneros, los anarquistas, todos ellos producto de un estudio serio sobre el tema y con su particularísima visión de la realidad. Pero, es a mi entender su obra ficcional la que lo trasciende, la que lo coloca en uno de los sitiales más altos de la literatura argentina. Recibió dos veces el Premio Nacional de Literatura, y en 1991 rejected the $ 25,000 Guggenheim Fellowship, in his words "as a tribute to their daughters." Writers of his generation as Haroldo Conti and Rodolfo Walsh are among the missing from the military dictatorship. He was a survivor, was forced into exile and return, took the chair of literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the UBA, which kept his unbridled passion and attitude to learn.

Unlike Viñas, who maintained throughout his political life together with his literary activity, Ernesto Sabato, in his youth a member of the Communist Party but soon becomes disillusioned, especially the policy of Stalin. Besides, he was dedicated to science, received a doctorate in physics and achieved a scholarship to do research on atomic radiation in the Curie Laboratory in Paris. The grant is obtained through the intermediary of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Dr. Bernardo Houssey, who had high expectations for their students, therefore, to learn that in France Sabato following a vocational crisis decides to leave the science to devote himself to literature, takes the salute.

In his autobiographical "Before the end" Sabato tells us how he felt at that stage: "The Curie Laboratory, one of the highest goals we could expect a physicist, I found it meaningless. Beaten by disbelief, followed by a strong forward momentum that rejected my soul."

back to Argentina in 1940 and is a professor at the University of La Plata and start writing articles, some of which are published in the Journal South directed by Victoria Ocampo

His first book is One and the Universe, a set of texts poetic reflection on which criticizes the dehumanization of science and technologies.

Unlike Viñas was a prolific writer, Sabato wrote three works of fiction: THE Tunnel, On Heroes and Tombs and Abaddon the destroyer. The tunnel is made into a film, like "Report on blind" part of On Heroes and Tombs. The rest of his published work consists of essays, reflections and philosophical texts.

In 1983 he was summoned by President Raul Alfonsin to preside over the CONADEP (National Commission on Disappeared People), the synthesis of this work was published under the title "Never Again" and led to the trials of military juntas dictatorship.

Sabato was an introvert, struggling with his ghosts and demons, pessimistic in his later years, almost apocalyptic. He married in 1936 Matilda Kusminsky Richter, who had two children. She was his companion and friend for 62 years, was his spine and fire who saved much of the work we know.

In recent years, vision problems prevented him from reading and writing so he turned to painting, making several exhibitions. In March there 100 years old, but failed, the tribute they had prepared for him at the Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires 2011, was made without him and with the assistance of his son Mario (director).

Vineyards and Sabato, two different writers in their literary style, in their ideology, their way of coping with life but with a common denominator: they both traveled through the years the road to find their truths intellectual honesty.

Friday, May 6, 2011

D2nt Only One Copy Of Diablo Ii May Run At A Time

Hi all .... so long!

is that my health is complicated.

I can not write ... Those who know me know in my good times I speak.

write now only as a chronicle what is going to exercise a little mind.

confused a few days ago even numbers with odd ........

After all, who cares about that, right?

But who cares, I'll be writing on the wall what is happening.

Today I had consultations with three doctors who are treating me.
I'm so tired ......

is a good therapy (write here and tell the world, not between four walls) and please leave comments.

can send to my email
