Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Disney Cruise Luggage Tags

Change band tone (VI)

We have seen two key changes: I -> V and I -> IV, which are most used. One of the key changes is the most beautiful I -> Vim, in which the tonic chord becomes the sixth child. This change is usually done with minor chords, for example moving from a Am Cm .

making this transition we see two notes of the scale change:

  • The Mi becomes Eb. This is the main change and the environment gives the transition. We discussed the note Eb plays a role in the C major scale when it comes to Blues. Here is what gives it its color to the new chord Cm.
  • The Sun now is G #. This change does not sound as sharp as we said in Applying the basic minor chords which usually use the harmonic minor scale, which contains this note G #.

A group that has been used much this change of tone is Depeche Mode. Consider an example in his song Enjoy the Silence . Here the initial scale is Cm and change is D # m, since the initial tonic is D # :

Cm - D # - Cm - D # ...

Cm - D # m
Words like violence - break the silence
G # - G #
come crashing in - into my little world
Cm - D # m
Painful to me - pierce Right Through Me
G # - G #
can ' t You Understand - oh my little girl
Fm - G #
All I ever wanted - All I Ever Needed ... Sing

Depeche Mode.

Note: The chords are C # m (x- -5-5-4-3 3), D # (x- 6 -5 - 3 -4 to 3), D # m (x- -8-8-7-6 6), G # (4 -6-6-5-4-4) and Fm (1 -3 to 3 - 1-1-1).

Remember if you find it difficult to play those chords you can always transpose the song. For example, you can download a semitone, staying the chords: Bm - D - Bm - D - Bm - Dm - G - G. .. (Which are easier to play). We see

the song begins alternating Vim ( Cm) and tone (D # ), but when it begins to sing the last line becomes smaller ( D # m), giving the characteristic air.

Originally published 05/01/2004.


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