Monday, January 10, 2011

Is Olive Iol A Vegestable Shortening


COW STUDIOS. (Written in 1960)

There once was a cow
in the Quebrada de Humahuaca.

As he was very old, very old,
was deaf in one ear.

And despite already Grandma was
once wanted to go to school.

red shoes are made,
tulle gloves and a pair of glasses.

The teacher was afraid
and said:'re wrong.

And the cow replied
Why I can not study me?

The cow, dressed in white,
sat in the front pew.

The boys threw chalk
and we were dying of laughter.

People were very curious
to see a cow studious.

People came in trucks,
bikes and airplanes.

As the commotion grew
nobody was studying in school.

The cow, standing in a corner, brooding
single lesson.

One day those little guys
turned into donkeys.

And in that place of Humahuaca
the only wise was the cow.


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