Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Digital Copy Of Blue Harvest

Argg, this week I am to work at home, putting wooden floors. 4 days of furniture shipped, packaged items, sawdust and dust.

gigs also in the works. We decided to try to host our own web: Debian mount server with Apache / PHP / MySQL , put it in the DMZ, set the bind , tweak the rules of firewall, port forward, playing with the squid , finally, the entire team.

and connecting with ssh a site to make a telnet to another and from there to nmap and review the defenses. Check that you have to get fit, and the rest is left out.

Finally, in days so it's best to listen to something quiet to allow us to concentrate.

Tomás Luis de Victoria Avila was a composer of the Renaissance polyphonic vocal works excellent religious. One of their masses is O Magnum Mysterium :

have on video pages of the score, so listen well can see the lines of each voice and lyrics. Enjoy it. Score



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