Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gretchen Rossi Blue White Monokini

Applying the basic minor chords

seen in keeping with Article Applying basic major chords, let's counterpart smaller scale. Although we have not seen this level, I explain it away.

In the larger scale, in addition to the tonic (C) we used the IV (F) and V (G). We will now use minor chords Am (tonic), Dm (IV) and Em (V).

The minor scale matches in his notes to C major scale. His notes are:
La - Si - Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol

see that, indeed, contains the same notes, but we started in La, which is now the tonic.

However, the scale Most is:
La - Si - C # - Re - Mi - Fa # - G #

maintain the same intervals that in C major (a tone between each note except between the 3 rd -4 th and 7 th -8 th, there is only one semitone).

However, instead of the normal smaller scale, is usually played more harmonic minor scale, which increases the seventh by a semitone:
La - Si - Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol #

De Thus, the chords are used instead: Am, Dm, E.
is, Em becomes E and now the sun is G sharp.

progression we saw:
subdominant -> key -> home
would, with minor chords: Dm -> E -> Am

As occurred in the major scale, Dm is now a stable change in the tone, while the E creates tension that is resolved by re-Am (the tonic).

also remember that the common positions of these chords (with open strings) are: Dm
(xx-0 -2-3-1), E (0 -2-2-1-0-0 ) and Am (x- 0 -2-2-1-0).

let's look at an example. In The carrier of Atahualpa Yupanqui , use minor chords above, and also use the key change I -> IV (see Changing the tone IV), as always putting the tonic seventh to promote Change: A7 - Dm.

Note: A7 can be played as (x- 0 -2-0-2-0) or (x- 0 -2-2-2-3).

Am - E
dancing in the swirling waters
E - Am
the sun plays in the brightness of the stony
A7 - Dm
and encouraging the troops on the roads
Dm - Am - E - Am
the is carrier, the carrier will ...

Chorus Dm - Dm
Penalties and cows
Am - Am
go down the same path
Dm - Dm
Penalties and cows
Am - Am
go down the same path
Dm - Am
penalties are we,
E - Am
the cows are outside
Dm - Am
The sentences are to us,
E - Am
the cows are outside ...

Juliana sings Chilca.

In the song Girl The Beatles of started using minor chords. Then, we discuss the typical progression subdominant -> key -> Main the major scale, but using instead of F Dm7: Dm7 -> G7 -> C. The song ends by changing the tone I -> IV, using as always the trick of passing to the tonic minor seventh (A7 instead of Am), as discussed in the previous song.
Am - Am
Is There Anybody goin 'to listen
Am - Am
to my story
Dm - Dm
All about the girl who came to
Am - E
Am - Am
She's the kind of girl you want so much it
Am - Am
makes you sorry;
Dm - Dm
Still, you don't regret a single
Am - F
C - C
Ah, girl!
Dm7 - G7
C - C
Ah, girl!
Dm7 - G7
Dm - Dm
She's the kind of girl who puts you
A7 - A7
down when friends are there, You feel a
Dm - Dm
A7 - A7
- ...

Cantan los Beatles

Nota: chords are Am (x- 0 -2-2-1-0), Dm (xx-0 -2-3-1), E (0 -2-2-1-0-0 ), F (1 -3-3-2-1-1), C (x- 3 -2-0-1-0), Dm7 (xx 0 -2 to 1 - 1), G7 (3 -2-0-0-0-1) and A7 (x- 0 -2-0-2-0) or (x- 0 -2-2-2 - 3).

Notice how the chord F serves only to indicate the change from the lowest to the highest level. Normal G7 would have been used, but one's voice sings here (belonging to the F chord) and also good, as are the Beatles ...


Originally published 08/01/2003


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