While regularly use their products, advertising promotion I do every day (as anyone who wants to win in a contest where all products have a prize) .
Advertising, which is broadcast every day through our television, clearly says that uncovering any yogurt, dessert or participating product, you will find the following inscriptions on the covers:
"0.25 weight off," worth a Serenito "among others.
The downside is when I redeem the caps with the prizes.
All farms, stores and small supermarkets (I have traveled more and in different areas of Rosario), even advertised on their shelves this promotion, I say the company does not recognize the merchandise they exchanged.
Therefore, do not change the caps. What a paradox, the company offering this attractive discount on their products does not recognize.
Thank God, I have work and I call "0.25 off" or "worth a Serenito", but stop lying to the or simply people do not advertise things that can not comply.
Cecilia Bogaard
source: http://www.lacapital.com.ar/ / Letter readers
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