Saturday, March 26, 2011

What To Wear On Ice Skating Date


Recent natural disasters have left stranded the third world power, Japan has been as primitive peoples at the mercy of nature, wanting to blow literally winds.

In my view, such a tragedy is a metaphor that illustrates the limits and dangers of human endeavor, if man, in terms of strict liability on the nature , is innocent in this case, so far there is no evidence that earthquakes are linked to human activity.

However, if We are perceptive, we can see in these destructive geological events a powerful and relentless counter-symbolic, but extremely effective, in that nature, to try to rebalance the situation, an effort slows human predator.

The ecosystem we would be so cruel questioning about our consumer lifestyle, wild and addictive, that becomes increasingly untenable, but which nevertheless is almost unquestioned for us, similarly, the old men could not question their gods without sin of heresy.

If the nuclear disaster that country much more aggravation, if necessary, its inhabitants have the option to migrate from the Islands, but humanity has no choice but to continue on Earth.

We can not leave to another planet if the mayhem on the environment, products of human action, they become unruly and deadly.

Therefore, although we are certain that we are causing irreparable damage to our habitat, as we need to act preemptively, preventing the tragedy overtake us.

Jorge Ballari ID: 10,858,926

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Graff Template Ap English

The Power of Cult

2. Classification 3. Features 5. Leaders 6. Language and dress 7. organic weakening 8. Suppression of individuality 9. Authoritarian regime 10. Manipulation of sexuality 11. What to tell parents 12. Author's conclusions 13. personal conclusion 14. sects said 15. Vocabulary 16. Bibliography

1. History of the term:
The technical definition of the concept 'Secta'comenzó with the work of German sociologist Max Weber , which defined the sect in opposition to the church . It counts among her children to the saint and the sinner, the just and the unjust, in contrast to the sect, which only accepts followers committed.
In the case of the sect, membership is voluntary and must be earned, while the church does not demand special qualities and sets conditions for entry into its bosom.
Never before has spoken so much of the sectarian problem. Today's topic of debate in the Catholic Church, Protestant churches and the universities are conducting studies to understand the complex factors that move around the sectarian world.
sects and followers increase as well. Is that when the crisis reaches limits experienced by Argentina, men and especially young people will become more vulnerable to irrationality and fanaticism. The
dictionary of the English Royal Academy defines a cult as: 'it: 1 set of followers of a religious and ideological bias, 2 religious doctrine or ideology that is different and independent of another, 3 set of believers in a doctrine or particularly loyal to a religion that the speaker considers false.
The Santagada Osvaldo Argentine Catholic priest, speaking of sects are described as "a group American Protestant background with action constant proselytizing in our country. "
In change, a sociologist, describe a cult as a group of people bound together by the fact of following a certain doctrine and / or leader and often have been spun off a greater doctrinal group.
"... a destructive cult is anyone in their group dynamic uptake and / or indoctrination, use of coercive persuasion techniques that promote the destruction of the personality adept or prior damaging it severely. The vital dynamics that gives rise to the total destruction or severe emotional ties and sectarian affective communication with their usual social environment and himself. All members are dependent on group dynamics and lose their structure and his idea of \u200b\u200bindividual thought in favor of collective idea, creating a phenomenon often psychic epidemic.
2. Clasificasión
groups are structured and highly organized totalitarian advocating a new system of life and force their followers to total submission. Usually these groups live in communities and the leader has all the power . They try to attract young of class middle and high, and our country rent houses in residential areas of Martinez, San Isidro and the main cities of the interior.
According to sociologist Richard Ofshe "the head of the group requires special obedience to the members. The ability to enforce these demands and reinforce them with punishment, including extortion and there is a continuous and brutal humiliation to the group if ignored, says as an individual which initially is an idealist nonviolent may want to participate in plans to assassinate enemies of the group. "
3. Features
be a cohesive group by a demagogic doctrine and led by a charismatic leader who claims to be the same divinity or her choice, or a holder of "absolute truth."
leaders demand that their orders are executed without any critical .
demand total adherence to the group and forced (under pressure psychological) to break all previous social ties at the entrance to the cult: parents, family, friends, work, studies, etc. Living in community
closed or in total dependence on the group. Delete
individual freedoms and the right to privacy. Check
information that reaches its followers, manipulating them at your convenience. Using psychological techniques
used to override the will and reasoning of the follower, causing, in many cases, serious mental disorders.
advocate a total rejection society and its institutions . Outside the group are all enemies. Having
main activity proselytizing and collecting money . Get
under psychological duress, delivery of personal heritage of the new recruits and large sums of money.
4. dangerous sects
These groups do not use techniques of thought reform and take advantage of the situation of poverty and marginalization living the American continent.
One of the fastest ways to recognize these groups is to examine their attitudes : stiff creed, no cooperation with other churches, to convince himself that his credo was no possibility of "salvation" are apocalyptic and expect " end of the world, using a simple language, emotional and sentimental, they think that this world is essentially evil and wicked.
5. Leaders: psychopaths or enlightened? Man
both poor and rich need to believe, need to share something transcendental, not just believers in God, even those who deny
Leaders there are many. Know themselves guru, teacher, pastor, reverend, prophet etc. All, in varying degrees seeking to exercise a divine power. This means that the leader knows everything and foresees everything. No one can doubt her statements or their letters or orders. The leader domain is such that even the most irrational fact is accepted. Being a leader is not wrong to be a leader if it is the fanatic fan finds his belief, his ideal as sacred and as such above all else. Another feature of faith is fanatical intolerance, can not bear to contradict: Tense is excited and rages against which different opinion. Not support the other's arguments because he is forced to question their beliefs and open cracks in the monolith. Therefore prefer to proselytize and convince him to others.
A fanatic is a man deeply frustrated, is a frustration of the self, one's own identity . Feeling disappointed fanatic about their own abilities, he chooses as a solution for change of identity, to waive their individual attributes identified totally with an ideal. In short, the fan hates it may contradict reality and is therefore willing to die and kill for their ideals.
All sects, especially destructive ones, have a leader, a messianic figure, charismatic, with great personal charm and great power of attraction, what psychologists call expansive paranoid becomes master of body and soul of the follower, and obviously your money and your family if possible.
The leader has the distinction of being subjected to impulsive tendencies sadomasochistic uses to escape from the oppressive sense of isolation, insignificance and helplessness that threat. The sadist, interestingly, depends on your mastered to survive mentally. Another characteristic of cult leaders is that they have a personality parody (as Freud paranoid delusions are based on desires and fears and the main ones are: the persecution, injustice, erotic type and delusions of grandeur). Another feature
have cult leaders is suffering from a "malignant narcissism." They are characterized by extreme feelings of grandiosity, sadistic cruelty, suspicion, paranoia and a total lack of sense of guilt .
His grandiosity, arrogance manifested in, sits in his deep belief that they are destined for something special in life, what sets them apart from ordinary beings. Any aggression is justified to pursue objectives set.
The "malignant narcissism" enjoy to hurt others and are stalked by continuing suspicions, also seeing as victims persecution of a plot and allocating its own cruelty to his enemies. Devoid of any moral sense or consciousness, so they lie, cheat and exploit others without remorse.
Many wonder what is the step that leads the individual to form at one time a destructive cult. Hard to say but usually that person begins to form small groups that can control and to hear his power increases and weakens the will of others, stepping up its domain.
When the group begins to grow, the leader creates almost always a dictatorial structure and is surrounded by aides who follow him faithfully. The leader manages more
easily to an individual if in the group. In a crowd cleared individual acquisitions, disappearing personality of each one of those who compose it. Freud in his
Psychology of the Masses and Analysis of the Ego, in the crowd expressed affection is greatly enhanced and instead limited their intellectual activity.
Identification is known in the psychoanalysis as the earliest manifestation of an emotional bond to someone else and plays an important role in the Oedipus complex. The child expresses a special interest by his father, wants to be him and replace everything. Makes his an ideal father. Individuals with a mass currently still need the illusion that the chief loves everyone with a love fair and equitable, while the chief himself needs no love nobody.
"No to man who remains free, worry more consistent, more poignant is that of seeking a being to whom lean."
Any person can be captured by a destructive cult in the "right time." Young people, especially teenagers, are prime candidates for these groups and finally, forgive the cliche, cults are just around the corner.
According to a study by the University Stanford a survey done a thousand students, approximately 50% were ever contacted by a cult.
Is there a psychological profile or characteristics for a young man can be attracted by a sectarian group?.
The main factors of vulnerability:
The high level of distress and dissatisfaction in life.
Lack of a belief system / religious intrinsic value (auto accepted and strongly held as an important part of oneself) or a smaller or extrinsic religiosity.
moderately dysfunctional family system
Syndrome "absentee fathers."
Lack of guidance, structure, direction , and parental limits.
Poor family communication, especially the use of double bonds by the parents.
parental conflict, permanent marriage. Trends
dependent personality.
Lack of management or internal proposals (ego ideal). Lack of adequate
self (super ego). Low
tolerance for ambiguity. Susceptibility
be state of trance.
Young people have characteristics that are exploited by sectarian group. Namely:
Idealism: All young believes that will change the world.
Ingenuity: Few young people know about the operation of destructive sects and to any questions are considered too "clever" to be engaged.
Independence: When someone approaches him and raises the possibility of changing the world, offer may be attractive. Curiosity
Identity: It is a stage when young people ask what we are what we want out of life? And the answers of the sects are strong, absolute and final. Indecision
: Any teen is undecided in the race is going to choose and which will be his future.
In short they are where young people moving. Many go through what is technically called the "right time." At that time they are vulnerable, there is sectarian member offers algo atractivo, quizás una charla, una guitarreada, una invitación a un viaje etc.
Cuando el sectario, que nunca está solo, observa que alguien se sintió atraído, recibirá la ayuda de su compañero y entre los dos comenzarán a seducir al futuro adepto. En primer lugar, se le mostrará afecto y lo más importante, se le darán testimonios similares a lo que le está ocurriendo.
Cuando el joven angustiado comienza a aumentar su autoestima y su seguridad , el miembro sectario comenzará, muy sutilmente, a explicarle que ellos se sienten bárbaro gracias al grupo y lo invitarán a un determinado curso. Si todo continúa así en dos meses ese joven stop being a good student, will end its relationship with the family , with the bride (if not able to enter the group), friends and even lose his job. In summary this young man has suffered a program Modification Thought, popularly known as "brain washing ." The
Modification Program of Thought, are used by destructive cults to exercise total control over it
individual. The objective is to radically alter the world view, the point of view of a person to make it accept a new version of reality and causality, to drastically reinterpret his past life, to accept a belief system adopted by the directors of the program and become a slave of the leaders. The success
a Modification Program gets Thought occurs when a person accepts the new belief and thus deny or cast doubt on their past relationships, or value judgments. For this to happen sects ran for a couple of months the following steps:
6. Language and clothing:
The use new words gives them a feeling of exclusivity and unity, but being a very restrictive language reduces the ability to think and analyze. In some groups continually repeat phrases or slogans. Moreover, some sects use a different attire which helps them to feel another wave to the common youth.
7. Organic weakening:
try to increase their manipulation through diets, prolonged fasting, a few hours of sleep and rampant labor activity.
after intense muscular work, is incapable of intellectual work and is in a state of drowsiness. Experiencing difficulties in fixing his attention even for a very short time on an object. There is a decrease on reaction time. The subject then has a greater ability to submit and obey
The dream meets a vital need of rest newspaper. Its rhythm is influenced by a sort of internal clock and the succession of day and night. It is necessary at all. An individual can stay awake a night or two, but if prolonged wakefulness, mental disorders manifested increasingly important, resulting in impaired memory , illogical reasoning and above all a total loss of the critical sense.
Most sects do not let his minions do not sleep more than 4 to 6 hours.
Sleep deprivation may precipitate a psychosis latent in apparently normal individuals.
It found that malnutrition, after some time, resulting in decreased brain activity.
The subject begins to have disorders of the mind which can lead to loss of knowledge . Loses all fighting and seems unable to prove even if common sense was imposed.
8. Suppression of individuality:
When someone enters a cult forever loses his privacy. There is a public confession, where group members have their problems, this creates a link, because everyone feels connected to the other.
The sect attempt to identify and weaken any resistance the new member, so try to quickly identify their fears, needs and characteristics that can help to provide resistance.
9. Authoritarian regime:
The leader is the only one who thinks and believes. Is prohibited reason or criticize.
10. Manipulation of sexuality:
Most destructive sects prohibit sex or escalate to the maximum.
11. What to tell parents that from the beginning do not know how to deal with sectarian child?
First and foremost is to not break the dialogue . There is a tendency for parents to come in conflict immediately and fight with their children. Grave error, the child is sick, do not deal with it, but close to it. Nothing
rebuke does not help, nor discuss. Nor is it helpful for parents to assume the attitude of victims, "and you pay all the effort we made for you."
is very important that parents do not ever give in to requests for money or extortion son "is going to leave the house forever." What give the young will go to the sect. The children
are who most suffer the consequences of non-destructive sects and only those that encourage sex , which also forbid are harmful. In the latter destroys the concept of the family, is diluted control of the biological parents and the sect leader goes on to become the new parent, while the mother plays the role sect.
The sect leader decides, for example, when a child should be punished and the parents not only remain at his side but also often involved in the torture and beatings that most of the time will be fatal to their children .
12. Author's conclusions:
In Argentina, these groups have proliferated and gained a massive unprecedented success.
Unfortunately, in many cases these groups are run by doctors and psychologists who have discovered that all they need is to impose some sort of organization and convert their patients in real slaves. Many of these groups that start with a fully commercial purpose, become the basis of new destructive sects. The
religious freedom is something that is not an issue in a democratic country. However, that freedom can not allow the devotee and the group deprive their children of the right to grow and develop as normal children (under the supervision, training, support and protection of their own parents). Children should have the right to receive appropriate medical care and a decent education, as well also receive all necessary vaccines .
13. Personal conclusion:
From the foregoing it can be concluded before: First
destructive cults that have existed since the dawn of humanity, is not new as people think. Just now he is giving importance to the issue, perhaps because the most widespread. Cults
mention religion in his preaching, because somehow something must be shielding and generate some confidence in their followers.
We are facing an individual increasingly cold and indifferent. The lack of affection, lack of consideration for the other, well-mannered etc., Leads to this type situations.
Society is more apathetic, no matter what happens to the other or which way is used. For example in a job to climb the ladder, the goal is no matter how. "If I have to tread on the head to the other for ...; Total when I have a problem neither he nor anyone in my bathroom thinking ...". A clear example of this is living in large cities
All these shortcomings make certain people (mentally ill and spread all over the world), take advantage of these situations for profit.
The individual is not prepared to be alone, as well as selfishness and lack of understanding becomes a stress, depression and these are the "right time" to take advantage of cult leaders.
To lead such groups need to have charisma and persuasiveness with others.
"The effectiveness a political propaganda and religious depends essentially on the methods employees and not the doctrine itself. The doctrines can be true or false, healthy or harmful, it does not matter. If indoctrination is well led, in the proper stage of nervous prostration will succeed. In favorable conditions, practically everybody can be converted to anything. "
14. Some of the sayings of destructive cults:
"I want girls to love the old ones. They are the ones with the money . Do not be afraid to wear short skirts and plunging necklines. None of bras and panties. Teach what you have. It is the lure to wealthy men ..... Do not forget that you're like Jesus. He was nailed on the cross. To you nailed on the bed ......"
(David Berg, leader of the Children of God).
"From now on I will be your brain"
(Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Moonies).
"If your mind brings problems, Give it. I do not bring me problems."
"Jesus saves, Moses invests and spends Guru."
15. Vocabulary:
paranoia psychosis marked by vanity, suspicion and quiet.
psyche: on the soul.
coercion: violence is done to any one thing to run against her will.
bombast: pompous, bombastic, declamatory, loud, booming.
psychosis: general name for all mental illness. Constant obsession.
theocracy government whose authority , regarded as coming from God, is exercised by his ministers.
sadism: pleasure in seeing unhealthy or cause suffering to others. The sadism is now regarded as a sexual perversion.
16. Bibliography :
"CULTS" When Heaven is a Hell.

"religious sects." Microsoft Encyclopedia. Encarta
Sects: History of the name, a cult, cult leaders, "Psychopaths or Light?, Types of Cults: destructive, etc. Bulnerables Who are falling into this type of groups?, Tips for parents of adolescents. Working
sent by: Carolina Itoiz

Infants & Sinus Problems

New Pastor in the Parish All Saints and Animas

Otero 169

On 27 February, took Fr. Ruben Alfredo Soto, joined him in celebrating the Mass of welcome, presiding over the Eucharist Devoto the Vicar of Bishop Raul Marti, the Incarnation parish priests, San Cayetano de Belgrano, Resurrection of the Lord, San Bernardo, among others, neighbors and members of the parish community.

The pastor of Incarnation Parish highlighted the figure of Fr. Ruben Soto, saying "He is a man of God, man of the people and neighborhood and urged parishioners to join him and help in the pastoral and catechetical work of the district and parish radio.

He added "is a man of prayer who loves the church and its people, noting their service to God and neighbor."

excited Soto Father addressed the present by announcing his proposal for the neighborhood and was very attuned to the reality of this parish and its neighbors. Finally he added: "I am the Father, Ruben, I know and understand their home, welcome if you invite me to lunch and be with the families.

After the religious ceremony the Community offered a fraternal banquet in the crypt next to the parish that was shared by many residents and community members.

Father Ruben Welcome to our neighborhood, we wish him a long time is making a huge and intense pastoral work and that these fruits can be collected on trust and hope chacarita neighbors.

Claudia P. Moretti.


If you have old photographs of hearse, Burial , Post , Obituaries, Obituaries or Users that are Cemeteries, especially the CHACARITA want cediéndonos this material will work very well received and valued.

Remember to be displayed on my website on the Chacarita Cemetery as samples of Heritage Funeral Rescue, thus we will be reassessing the customs, life and death of our ancestors.

Thank you, greets

Vizzari Hernán Santiago

Historical Research



Founded October 5, 1924

Maure 3955

tel. 4554 6030 Monday and Wednesday from 20 to 21 hours. 4554 4504 or alternatively

In March, Federico Development Assoc Lacroze, and summarizes the activities, invite neighbors to join our proposal neighborhood bringing us their concerns.

also report that does the Workshop Tae Kwon Do Monday and Wednesday from 19 to 21 hours. for children, adolescents and adults. See.

Meetings begin in May Choir Free, will announce dates in the next issue.


Guevara 525

Activities for older adults, walking , social gatherings, workshops and other activities.


Accordion Museum Anconetani

Jose Guevara 478 tel.: 4553 9440



Leiva 4219

Tel 4856 3155

Served: Monday and Friday from 15 to 18.30 hs.

Wednesday from 9 am to 12.30 pm.




radio program

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 18 to 19 hours. AM 1240 Cadena One by transmitting the radio program "Story of My Pago Chico" with the conduct Maria Isabel and Antonio Jose Sabella. The program content is based on neighborhood history and notes of interest. Wednesday is the present "El Pibe Chacarita" with his talks customs.


The "theater on the radio" is purely and exclusively devoted to the theater and dissemination.
The show airs every Wednesday from 18:30 to 20 hours in
99.3 fm. Lead: Hugo Demarco, Sol Pinck and Salome Oviedo. We're joined in the cast, two actors!. Marcelo Vilaro and actress Luciana Vela.
If you got a play or suspected principal and you want to spread or advertise you can call us at 15-65156523 or

Home Maradona

Olleros esq. Tel Cordoba 4551-7946

Home "Dr. Stephen L. Maradona ", depending on the Residents Association of Formosa, hosts most daily de 35 personas que se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad social y que están temporalmente en Buenos Aires para realizar tratamientos médicos provenientes de Formosa, Misiones, Chaco, así como también de Paraguay.

El hogar funciona sin subsidios estatales y se mantiene gracias al aporte de los vecinos y de los profesionales que concurren semanalmente al hogar para brindar asistencia profesional.

La Asociación de Residentes Formoseños agradece profundamente las colaboraciones recibidas y continúa ampliando su convocatoria a todos aquellos que puedan colaborar con el funcionamiento del hogar.

For adults and children at the Teatro Regio - Cordoba 6056


group of puppeteers THEATRE SAN MARTIN

Address: Adelaide Mangani



From Ariel Bufano

Musical Selection: Adelaide Mangani.

Lighting: Miguel Morales, Lito Pastrán design.

puppet design, stage design and costumes: Maydée Arigos

Address: Adelaide Mangani

Replenishment: Saturday, March 12 at 16 hours

Functions: Saturdays and Sundays at 16 hours

Duration: 55 minutes

Towns Available at:

Theatre Regio (Avenida Córdoba 6056)

4772-3350 - Contact 0-800-333-5254 Special Schools: 4375-5021 (Department of External Action)

One of the more public works convened in the history of theater Argentine, The Big Circus "premiered in 1983 - was intended by its creator, Ariel Bufano, as a tribute to the origins of the National Theatre and its pioneers, the Podesta. Consists of traditional circus acts (skills, acrobatics, jugglers, clowns, trained animals, acrobats and trapeze artists), made with all the magic of puppetry



COLLAGES de Susana Ullo.

La autora apunta a potenciar la expresividad a través del ensamble de elementos diversos en un todo unificado. Puntos de partida para la conclusion de esa ultima realidad del arte, aquello que rosa la particula de universalidad del hombre.

MIMOS PARA EL ALMA de Graciela Pugliese

Pinturas realizadas en óleo, acrílico y pasteles a la tiza, que reflejan escenas de la vida cotidiana: una abuela tejiendo, niños caminando por el parque y paisajes (norte argentino, flores, un colibrí) que quieren ser un mimo, una caricia para el alma que las observa.

Inaugura Martes 1, 19hs. Salas 1 y 2.

Sábados y domingos. Consultar horarios telefónicanete al 4552-4229.

MEDICAL ART CENTER de Hilda de Urrutia

Constituido por una serie de transformaciones digitales libres, que traspasan el carácter descriptive illustrations in textbooks of medicine, to begin a new course in the field of art.

digital collage of Virginia Brodowski

A quest, a path to the feminine, natural women, wild. Passing through or visiting the underworld, the caverns of the unconscious, myths and legends, the four elements, the relationship of the sun and moon, the ancient knowledge of women and their feelings and deep feelings.

Inauguration Tuesday

15, 19hs, Rooms 1 and 2.

Saturdays and Sundays, consult by phone at 4552-4229 hours.




tour presents a great Songs of national and international music.

Thursday 10, 20.30hs. Auditorium.


perform tracks off their latest CD "In the same place" and covers of their upcoming album-melodic pop. Alternating electric and acoustic travel format production with the freshness of the original material.

Thursday 17, 20.30hs. Auditorium.



Part One: "Venecia sin ti"

Choreography inspired and made from "Les Noces" by Igor Stravinsky. Takes relevant aspects of the original composition: the ritual of the ceremony, the festive contrasts between the union and victimization that are subject to its protagonists, marriage as an act of immolation.

General Choreography and Direction: Mónica Fracchia

Part Two: "Bolero"

The work privileges the visual aspect, the expression searches through the image, spatial design and movement. The forms executed by the dancers and their scenic development are closely linked to the music, the "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel.

General Choreography and Direction: Mónica Fracchia

Friday 4, 11 and 18 to 20 hours. Auditorium.

Please be punctual. Show the cap.



A small great world that reflects something of the real world: The world of Augustus, a boy of 10 years, for a year to care for a plant that becomes a tree. Augusto learn about the world and human relationships to discover new facets of the closest people: his parents, best friends, and also his tutor.

Idea and direction: Analía Cabanne.

Saturdays 5, 12, 19 and 26, 17 hs. Auditorium

Please be punctual. Show the cap.


HEALTH RIGHTS, Florencio Sánchez

still young wife and mother, Louise has lost the rights to life. Their disease is not what the sentence, but the sympathy of her husband and sister who have been accustomed to a premature death has not yet come.

Adapted and directed by: Ramiro Ulises Romero Lehkuniec and

Saturdays 5, 12, 19 and 26, 20 hs. Auditorium

Please be punctual. Show the cap.

D' THE FRONT, Frederick Mertens

urban comedy of manners, typical of the native drama of the first decade of last century. Not being satisfied with what you have and covet the life of the neighbor who is better is the central motif.

China Zorrilla and a great cast put on a play largely applauded and feted by the public, to be mounted in the old Apollo Theatre in late 1909, the company Paul Podesta.

Wednesday 2, 9, 16 and 23, 20.30hs. Auditorium.

Please be punctual. Free admission.


MILONGA Musicalized by DJ BLUE

Activity to the cap.

20 and 27 Sundays, 19.30 to 22 hours. Auditorium.

begin the SPACE OF CULTURAL ART WORKSHOPS Carlos Gardel: Guitar, Theatre for children (9 to 12 Years), Creative Writing (short stories), Dance therapy Body Work (Teens and young), Poetry, Clown Workshop (for adults over 20), Drawing and Painting, Contemporary Dance (8 to 12 years), Tales Read, acting and melodrama, theater for kids (4 to 6 years) , Laboratory for Artistic Experimentation for Children (8 to 12 Years), Memory and expression, experimental photography, Tango and Milonga.

Registration: from Monday 14 February Monday to Friday from 17 to 20 hours. Top classes: From March 1. Free activity.



Alfredo Le Pera The Library opens its doors with more titles, more services and literary activities for the community. His days and hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 18 to 21 pm, Thursday from 10 to 14 hours. and Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm.


Independent Tango Festival is the result of collective work that brings together the Union Orchestra Fracture typical and Radio Tango. Typical Orchestra Union is a place where different musicians in order to self manage concrete actions against common problems of the artists of the genre, and Tango Radio fracture, a team of journalists who, since 2003 - broadcast to argue tango a contemporary look and question the cultural and political debates posed by active musicians.

The initiative came in response to a mercantilist conception of culture applied to public policy in the City of Buenos Aires, focusing on the so called "for export. " Statements such as the Buenos Aires tango show is soy utilitarian conception of symbolic goods and force us to highlight the importance of other objectives "truly lasting, as to promote sustainability of the business through a public building connected to the new generations .

We start from two main ideas: to restore public entertainment, as the outdoor milonga, which ceased to be when the official festival City was rescheduled in line with the European vacation period, and give visibility to the large number of proposals that are held throughout the year, in many cases as a result of the organization of the same musicians.

Independent Tango Festival is just a cut of the existing proposal, the photo of a week, a moment that is achieved transcend individual efforts to perform it collective progress in the final reinstatement of the tango as creative power of the Buenos Aires culture. Because this circuit - whether established, beyond the recurrent image of overseas visitors who come to dance. The reality, fortunately, it indicates that there is more to tell and show.


The term "independent" because we refers to the ideas of autonomy, self-management, freedom. try to star with the tools we have as citizens, through the agencies of culture and art, the ability to change the realities of progress in solving the problems that we have to face. In short, we seek solutions to concerns artistic, social, employment and also ideological. This second edition consolidates the achievements during 2010, especially, and continues in the construction of a connected age to new generations, new works, this tango is happening today and that represents us. The door is open.

12 TO 20 MARCH

Independent Tango Festival.

Second Edition.





False collectors acting on behalf of corporate borrowers Hygiene Service's Urban City of Buenos Aires.

lending companies Public Health Service Urbana, communicate residents of the City of Buenos Aires that the city services are absolutely free.

* Cliba, AESA Buenos Aires, Urbasur, Nitta and Integra * warn that no member of the team of staff can provide services in exchange for money, selling bags or containers, or asking for handouts.

Before the public awareness of people posing as collectors asking for money or selling garbage bags, companies warning residents to take necessary security measures and report these incidents immediately to the police.

Diego Santilli, Minister of Environment and Public Space in the City of Buenos Aires has been informed of this situation in their various social networks worried about the scam that these illegal actions pose to the neighbors, threatening their safety and damaging the work of staff Public Service operative Urban Hygiene.

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, PENTHOUSE Cooperative Work in Mental Health is pleased to report acts will do to celebrate this event


activities will take place from 18 to 21 hs.

May 1

In the office of the cooperative.

Teodoro García 2574/2578 (College)

Neighborhood and community activity

Presentation of different artistic expressions.

With the special participation of MateMurga

a joint activity with the Centre for Art and Thought The Door "

May 2

The Cultural Center of Cooperation:

Corrientes 1543, CABA

staff and leaders of the Movement Cooperative will speak on different devices on the importance of cooperation, self-management and associated work.

Video Presentation: "The Cuban Argentina Association of Psychoanalysis"

Book presentation: "PENTHOUSE: the mental health self-management experience"

May 3

The Cultural Center of Cooperation.

Corrientes 1543. CABA

health professionals Highlights mental spaces will exchange to assess the importance of cooperative devices in the three levels of assistance. Likewise, teaching and institutional assistance.

Video Presentation: "PENTHOUSE: 25 years is something

Closing Conference:" Because I am Cooperative "by Dr. Alfredo Grande.

All activities are free and secular input

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold How To Catch Shiny Pokemon


Interview Attire For Juniors

Humor ACA NEWS Fall

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Difference Between Lease Deed And License Deed


former teacher in the province of Santa Fe I dare to propose a plan that would cheer my poor exchange students:
netbooks permute or split air conditioners, insecticides or classroom or dignity, or charges to split classes over 50 students.
In these days of summer mosquitoes we carry her from the courtyard to the interior of our tiny rooms (three of six meters) with bright tin roof just a few feet above our heads, and without ventilation.
But if we open and close the netbooks to kill some insects good speed and generate a stream of foul air that relieved a bit of torment.
When you want to verify this alone would a random survey of students in any population of the industrial belt that stretches beyond Rosario.

Mario Boat ID: 17,890,677

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tenancy Agreement Ending Ltter Template?

El Pibe : They are always coming

My neighborhood was so, so, well, that is ... What do I know if so?, But I agree it well ... Perhaps to be closer to my heart. Someone once said that I left my neighborhood, but when? If I'm always coming ...

"Night in my neighborhood" Aníbal Troilo Prose (1914 - 1975).

are different places around the world, have something in common sense to identify them. are the ancient inhabitants of the neighborhood that for various reasons had to migrate it. establish a record of his life in his: streets, sidewalks, schools, clubs, cinemas and neighbors then. This chronic was registered in his memory along those unforgettable episodes of old that grow uncontrollably with distance from the homeland and the passage of time. often invades the pain of exile that cancels the return to happy times of the pleasant experiences. I'd like to hear and share with you their experiences. I am one of them, and go to meet ...

En el oeste del Gran Buenos Aires vive “Pocha” Becker quién nos cuenta su historia: “Junto a mis padres Berta y Enrique Becker y mi hermana “Cuca” residimos desde 1951 en un departamento de la calle Guevara 522. Adelante vivían Aída Spallone, su esposo Raúl Sanz y el hijo de ambos, Osvaldo. Don Raúl tenía un palomar en la terraza, siempre tuve temor de acercarme al mismo por el alboroto de las aves. En Chacarita viví desde los doce años hasta los veintiuno, hace cincuenta años que dejé el barrio en ocasión de marriage, but I can not forget those summers with water play in the carnival. remember the trials murga "The Pecos Chacarita" in an area of \u200b\u200bForest Avenue and Maure . I still think I'm still that girl who was walking down the street and discovered Olleros colonial house with passages, where he lived with his family Carlitos Bala. my memory also takes me doing an errand to Maure and Guevara in the pantry "La Favorita" by Don Luraschi or buying a replacement Rivadavia in the library of "Chinese" in Guevara to four. Now I remember my father I did the accounting part of your library. What beautiful memories !"...

now invite you to get on my "steamship" because we go in search Vicente López testimony of a childhood friend: the Dr. Salvador Galgano, the "Chiche" to intimates , we hear: "My house was the home of Jorge Newbery, compared to" The Continent ", then close the café" La Reforma "in the corner of Forest Avenue. The family I lived from 1934 to 1965, I moved to Belgrano but I had the office until 1998. I attended school at the "school boys" Jorge Newbery, today "Dr. Luis Exhaust. " was a reader of the Library "Rise" Maure street near Forest Avenue, also rented by five cents to paperboy children's magazines, provided a quick read and return before 9.30 pm. In childhood antics with the bar I remember when we went to theaters in the neighborhood: Villa Crespo, Alvarez Thomas, Atlantic Regional or Argos, and spread a think liquid ammonium sulfide was spread a bad smell. Career in medicine and specialization in otolaryngology dismissed me time to attend to the bars of Guevara or Forest but I was friendly to everyone. was a cheerful youth, as we conformábamos small with real friends and without the problems of today's youth. Chacarita I prefer not to continue to grow with the pace of a modern city, neighborhood retains its essence. thereby maintaining existing memories, like that girlfriend that still persists in some of my dreams "...

On this journey in search of old neighbors chacaritenses Liniers go around the neighborhood to hear the memories of Nelida Susana Zaldivar : "From 1947 to 1962 he lived in Maure 4153, a large house close to Avenida Corrientes. was the period of my childhood I can remember the time of the games with my friends at the time: Liliana Caldarelli, Cristina and Emily Jarema, the brothers Simon, Elsa, Maria Elena and Juan Carlos Villareal. addition to our space in the quiet streets of the neighborhood, an older sister of Villareal Park we crossed the Andes where we play, the carousel and a huge space to enjoy. In our antics we climbed the Monument of Peace Malón the sculptor Luis Perlotti, that from that distance children it seemed a daring feat. I elementary school located in Frederick Lacroze and Rosetti, studied dancing and acting with Stella Molly and piano with a teacher who was next to Forest 444 whose name I can not remember. An uncle, Miguel Magnacca, was one of the partners broncería "Los Andes" located on Avenida Corrientes almost Olleros. From a distance miss the special moments with my friends as always, since some of them and we continue to see the relationship with neighborhood residents who were communicative and caring ... "

During the interview with Susan told me the address of a childhood friend, we meet at Villa Pueyrredón is Villareal Elsa Beatriz welcomes us and says, " with my childhood friend inhabit the same house in 4153 Maure, in my case from 1947 until 1974 that I formalized my marriage with Osvaldo Rivero who lived in Zabala and Fraga. I attended elementary school in Guevara and Santos Dumont and teenager and worked in women's apparel maker "Norina" street Olleros and Fraga. images I have of the area are: water play during carnival, the concentration Car in the ephemeris of the Cemetery, the military parade and fireworks in the Parque Los Andes on the occasion of national holidays. neighborhood Other memories relate to the leather goods factory "Mandelbaun" next door to my house, the trips taken in the tram 12 driven by a guy who ran the city from Chacarita to La Boca, the purchase of Pasta in "Bud" Joseph Reymundez in Federico Lacroze and Fraga. For our proximity to the Restaurant "Albamonte" met figures from the artistic, political or sports but the most impact was when Johnny came to the neighborhood The Weissmuller Tarzan movies in black and white. To remember that happy time at home in the neighborhood walking tour, sometimes from Cabildo and Aguilar, to College Station to reach the subway in Federico Lacroze and Streams "... (To be continued with other stories)