Saturday, March 26, 2011

What To Wear On Ice Skating Date


Recent natural disasters have left stranded the third world power, Japan has been as primitive peoples at the mercy of nature, wanting to blow literally winds.

In my view, such a tragedy is a metaphor that illustrates the limits and dangers of human endeavor, if man, in terms of strict liability on the nature , is innocent in this case, so far there is no evidence that earthquakes are linked to human activity.

However, if We are perceptive, we can see in these destructive geological events a powerful and relentless counter-symbolic, but extremely effective, in that nature, to try to rebalance the situation, an effort slows human predator.

The ecosystem we would be so cruel questioning about our consumer lifestyle, wild and addictive, that becomes increasingly untenable, but which nevertheless is almost unquestioned for us, similarly, the old men could not question their gods without sin of heresy.

If the nuclear disaster that country much more aggravation, if necessary, its inhabitants have the option to migrate from the Islands, but humanity has no choice but to continue on Earth.

We can not leave to another planet if the mayhem on the environment, products of human action, they become unruly and deadly.

Therefore, although we are certain that we are causing irreparable damage to our habitat, as we need to act preemptively, preventing the tragedy overtake us.

Jorge Ballari ID: 10,858,926


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