Thursday, March 10, 2011
2010 Olympic Arms Ar 15
PENTHOUSE is a Mental Health Center, organized as Cooperative Work, which provides outpatient care to all age groups and enjoys prestige in the community and the cooperative field. PENTHOUSE
is a cooperative venture and thus its operation is self-management model. We believe that the self is a creative process of permanent construction, which affects the development of critical thinking of its authors and the effectiveness of their practices, the self-triple check the consistency between institutions, organizations and device. PENTHOUSE
born as a cooperative work on 1 May l986. The foundation ceremony was conducted by 15 professionals from Mental Health, among whom was Dr. Alfredo Grande, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, current Honorary President of the Institution and Area Medical Director of Welfare.
is based in the Coleraine district from el año 1983, fecha en que fue habilitada como centro de salud y posteriormente se constituyó como cooperativa.
En el año 1997 se concretó el proyecto DECIMO ANIVERSARIO - SEGUNDA FUNDACION que consistió en la inclusión de nuevos profesionales asociados y el desarrollo de nuevas áreas de trabajo.
Consideramos que hablar de empresa cooperativa no es una contradicción fundante ya que nuestro objetivo es generar un producto de calidad, que es la SALUD MENTAL, tanto para los que trabajan como para los que reciben el servicio. Creemos que la contradicción es superada en la medida que podamos gestionarla como empresa social, sin fin de lucro. Es decir, entenderla como construcción colectiva, como intercambio de experiencias personal and group that will enable the group's growth, both in ideas and in achievements, community service.
is governed by the Bylaws, framed within the Law N º 20,337 and inspired by the values \u200b\u200bof the cooperative, mutual help, responsibility, equality, equity, solidarity and democracy. Values \u200b\u200bare the key ideas that inspire and guide actions.
Cooperative Principles that underpin the actions of the cooperative were the top six, set in 1884 in Rochdale, England, where the first union that record. The seventh principle was incorporated in 1995, the Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance, held in Manchester, England. These seven principles are:
• Voluntary and open membership: the responsibility to be partners in the cooperative constitutes acceptance of social discrimination, political, religious, racial, or sexual.
• Democratic Management: Partners are actively involved in setting the institution's policies and making decisions. Each partner has the right to vote without any restrictions. The motto of the cooperative is "a member one vote."
• Economic participation of partners, each partner contributes equally to the maintenance of the cooperative and participates in its management in a democratic way. Destiny de los excedentes producidos por la cooperativa es determinado por los asociados.
• Autonomía e independencia: la organización cooperativa es determinada y gestionada por los asociados. Por decisión de los mismos se pueden realizar convenios con otras organizaciones, pero, manteniendo siempre su autonomía.
• Educación, formación e información: Este principio lo ejercemos en dos direcciones. Hacia adentro proporciona información y formación a sus asociados favoreciendo su crecimiento personal y profesional, lo que redunda en beneficio de la cooperativa. Hacia afuera, es decir, dirigido a la comunidad, creando espacios de participación, discusión y reflexión que posibilitan la construcción of conceptual tools that promote the awareness that only active participation can bring about the changes, internal and external, necessary to achieve a healthier community. • Cooperation among cooperatives
: exercise this principle by advising cooperative training (cite as an example to the Cooperative Alethia de Mar del Plata). Providing clinical care when service is required by another organization (Idem, Cooperative Mariano Acosta). Joint community activities (Association of Merchants Mutual Bartolomé Mitre). Integrate the Board of FAESS (Federación Argentina de Entities joint health) el Consejo de Administración de la tarjeta Cabal, el Comité de Género de COOPERAR (Confederación Cooperativa de la República Argentina) y la Comisión Asesora de Cooperativas del IMFC ( Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos). Participa en la Comisión Directiva de la Asociación Mutual y Protección Recíproca Unisol Salud. Integra la Comisión de Asociados del Banco Credicoop Cooperativo Ltda., filial 226.
• Compromiso con la comunidad: Sosteniendo el lema acuñado por la cooperativa “la Salud Mental es cosa de todos”, trabajamos con la comunidad, tomando contacto con las necesidades y demandas de la misma y creando las condiciones necesarias para generar cambios orientados a mejorar quality of life of the population. In this sense formalized agreements to provide clinical care to children and adolescents of the Council of the Office of Children and Adolescents in the GCBA. Also, it signed an agreement with the Bank of Pampa, Buenos Aires branch. Through monthly activity for the community called ATIC and the community, generating a space for participation, reflection and construction of critical thinking in relation to current affairs and cultural interest. Collective also operates a Patient and Friends of PENTHOUSE, in addition to other activities, is responsible for the organization and maintenance of the Cinema Club Cooperative.
For System through Nomencoop made possible the attendance of persons who, for temporary economic difficulties, could not afford the fees established by the institution.
For all the explicit consider PENTHOUSE Cooperative Work in Mental Health has an important social function in the community in which, for 25 years, provides services and enjoys prestige and recognition. Ms. Lelia Sarmiento
ATTIC Mental Health Cooperative Work
Teodoro García 2578 Throw away
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